In 2016, a Star Wars-inspired compilation album titled Star Wars Headspace was released, and it featured a track named 'Sunset Over Manaan,' which was recorded by the house music producer ATTLAS.
I did that since the first level on the Endar Spire where your character starts off with minimal points and I typed which points I considered to be most u. It was originally created for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a 2003 Star Wars Legends roleplaying game developed by BioWare. Answer (1 of 2): You could activate your cheating console which is the button above TAB and increase your assets ( skills / abilities) points. Manaan was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in Mantu's entry in the now-discontinued Encyclopedia on, which was carried over to its replacement, the Databank. The Selkath bounty hunters Mantu and Chata Hyoki hailed from Manaan.
It was the homeworld of the sentient Selkath species, which had been historically devoted to the care of their native oceans. Manaan was an ocean planet located in the galaxy's Inner Rim, in grid square O-11 on the Standard Galactic Grid.